The Pendleton Panther

Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category

Being from Rhode Island there is nothing better than having my “home” teams in basketball and hockey in the playoffs. However when the two previous series started I was more optimistic about the Bruins future than I was about the Celtics future. The Bruins had a lot of momentum and the Celtics were playing one of the best teams in the NBA in the Cavaliers. However, the Bruins just lost the series after being up 3-0, and they were up 3-0 in the 7th game and lost 4-3. The “Bruin Nation” was extremely shocked and disappointed. However, the boston fans have something to be extremely excited, as the Celtics just beat one of the best teams in Basketball in six games, and have a ton of momentum going into the Orlando Magic series. Even though this is not the way I would have imagined things would have gone, I couldn’t be happier as I love watching NBA playoffs, especially when my team is in the race. This should be a great series, which I believe the Celtics will win in 6 games once again.

I was reading an article about some facts of the 1500’s and I thought it would be nice to share.  Most people in the 1500’s got married in June because most people took their yearly bath’s in May, and they still smelled pretty good by June. There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house, such as bugs and droppings, which was a real problem in the bedroom, and you never

Life in the 1500's

had a clean bed. Most people back then did not have meat to eat at night and mostly had vegetables.  However, when the man could bring home meat, which was a big deal back then, he would hang it up outside his house as a sign of prosperity, and then would only rip it off piece by piece so it lasted a while.  The amount of bread you received was chosen by the your economic status in society. Next time I’m feeling under privileged I will try and think about if I lived in the 1500’s.

The Celtics had a year filled with ups and downs, and were not as successful from a record standpoint as they have been in past years, but were still abel to win the division.  They are taking on the Miami Heat in the first round of the playoffs and with players

The Big Three

with as much experience and passion for the game as Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, and Kevin Garnett you always have a chance to go deep in the playoffs. They were able to take game one from Dwayne Wade and the Heat at home by 9. It was not pretty when a fight broke out towards the ladder half of the game, and Garnett was ejected, but when someone with as much pride and a sense of team as Garnett gets disrespected you can expect nothing less. Hopefully his loss in the next game with not hurt them in their quets for the championship.

April 1st, College Decision Day

It is a bright, sunny morning as a student picks up the coveted letter from the mail. His hands are shaking feebly by the weight of the thin envelope from the university. The process of opening it and taking in its radiance can last a long period of time. As the student pulls out the letter, anticipation has built to an insurmountable level and the student will either be crushed or sent into a state of euphoria by what the letter says.

It is mid March and by now, most seniors are on the edge about college decisions. April 1st is the official day when students will receive their letters containing the tickets to their future. All the hard work the past 4 years, studying late into the night, memorizing vocab, practicing a foreign language, running drills, grinding away on the range, making plays, etc. adds up to a formidable resume at IMG. We here strive to be the best that we can be whether in the field of academics, athletics, or both. Kids here have big dreams of becoming professional athletes or leaders in society and one major step in that journey is attending college. For the kids at IMG who have yet to finalize their college plans or sign, I encourage you to stay positive. It isn’t life or death over one school. There are many opportunities out there for you, so never give up hope.

WNBA is one of the biggest jokes in sports today. I would honestly rather go to a pre-season men’s NCAA basketball game, then go to a WNBA championship game. I support the fact that women go out and try to be successful in sports. In addition to this, I


completely respect the talent that these women have shown the world since their debuts. However, I just feel like when you put it all together and watch the WBNA, it’s some of the most ridiculous moments in sports. I truly do not think I could sit through more than a minute and a half of any WNBA games, no matter what team. Not that the NBA is any better sometimes, but there is something about women running around trying to play basketball that annoys me. I mean they are talented and all, but they are not even close to the Larry Birds and Paul Pierces of the NBA.

Pretty much everyone who is anyone has a facebook now a days. While we all talk about how pathetic it is, and how much of a time waster it is, we all continually maintain ours over and over again. I personally believe that it is no big deal to have a facebook, but I absolutely can’t stand when I am trying to get something done and facebook gets in my way. Sometimes nothing will even be

Facebook Logo

interesting or going on, on facebook and I will still resort to looking at it in order to ignore my homework or whatever else I have to do. I don’t know why I do this, and it is really annoying and sometimes it makes me want to delete my facebook, but I never actually end up doing it. Maybe I should just start trying to focus enough where I don’t even have to think about facebook while I am doing something of more importance, but I think I’ll remain just like everyone else and let facebook be one of my biggest distractions.


American soldiers as we know have been in Iraq for nearly seven years now, trying to make peace among the citizens and set up a strong central government that is safe for the people to live under. Part of the trouble that went into all this was getting rid of former leader, Saddam Hussein and all his associates. In recent news, current Iraq Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced his plan to rehire nearly 20,000 former Iraqi army officers. All of these officers at one point or another, served under Hussein. Many question what the prime minister is thinking by bringing back into the country thousands of men who carried out the treacherous acts of Hussein. We’re not talking about a few people either, but thousands of these men will now inhabit the country we have worked so hard to bring up again. Elections within Iraq are scheduled to take place March 7 and many suspect these men were hired to pursue voters in one way or another or for one candidate or another. In my opinion, the biggest risk here is bringing into Iraq these men who were associated with such a tyrant in the past, since the country has spent years and billions of dollars trying to bring freedom to a recently oppressed country.

Beauty Sleep

Do you wonder why sleeping beauty, the Disney princess surrounded by the 7 dwarfs was so beautiful? Well, her name gives it away; it is because she slept a lot. Beauty sleep is essential for everyone, whether you are a boy, a girl, a woman, or a man. Everyone needs about 8 hours of sleep a day because our bodies need the rest and the energy revival from sleep. Sleeping can get rid of puffy eyes, dark circles, spots and pimples. Recent researches have found that sufficient amount of rest can be the best remedy for depressions, ADD, and other psychological illness. This is all because our bodies heal and repair itself when we are sleeping. The most crucial time for repair and revival in our bodies is between 11pm and 2 am because this is the time when the machine in us gets to work. The 3 hours is the most efficient time that our body repair itself on our circadian rhythm, our internal body clock. According to many doctors and scientists, sleeping makes it less likely for people to gain weight because we tend to make wise decisions when we are widely awake. Remember, the key to remain healthy, beautiful, and thin is an 8 hour sleep.


February 14, 2010 was Valentines Day and you have probably received roses and presents from your lover or maybe your secret admirer. You have read the lovely message that came along with the present or the bouquet of flowers but please don’t skip the important meanings behind it all.  Roses and love have both been linked closely together symbolizing passion and romance. However, there are meanings associated with the different colors and numbers or roses. Here is the list of the meanings and hopefully, this will help you find the hidden message your lover is trying to convey.

Red roses- romantic love, enduring passion, creative spirit of love

White roses- humility, purity and innocence

Yellow roses- friendship, joy and caring

Pink roses- gentleness, admiration and happiness

Orange roses- passion and excitement

Lilac/ purple roses- love at first sight

Multi-colored roses- happiness, young love

As you can see, every color has its own meaning and symbols behind it. For hundreds of years now, roses have conveyed messages without words. Choosing a specific rose color is sometimes not enough to express one’s innermost thoughts so the number of stems can also add meanings to the defined colors of the beautiful roses.

1 Rose- love at first sight or you are the one

3 Roses- I love you

9 Roses- Eternal love, together as long as we live

11 Roses- You are the one I love most in my life

13 Roses- Secret Admirer

24 Roses- Can’t stop thinking about you, 24 hours everyday

99 Roses- I will love you for as long as I live

100 Roses- I will love you for 100 years

101 Roses- You are my one and only

999 Roses- Everlasting and eternal love

An economics professor told a class one day that he has never failed anyone, except for one time he failed an entire class.  This class insisted President Obama’s socialism plan would work, so he decided to put it to the test.  He decided to average the tests out, so that no one would be “rich” and no one would be “poor,” an idealistic way of socialism.  On the first test the average was a B, on the second test the average was a D, and on the third an F.  Now, this article goes on by saying that the people who studied hard no longer studied as hard and the people who hardly studied, studied even less.  Not to be argumentative with this but, I disagree with the way the experiment is looked at.  For example, there are thousands and thousands of hard working Americans who simply cannot pay their bills.  The single mom who’s working 3 jobs or the teacher who is trying to offer an education for our youth who is also trying to raise

Professor Gericke

2 kids.  Much like not being able to pay off your bills, some kids are simply not able to get good grades.  Therefore, in some instances those kids that are failing and are working harder are getting worse grades than those who are not studying as hard, and don’t have to work as hard because they have been given a blessing; a talent.  A Major League baseball player can get paid millions of dollars for his talent, but a plumber makes no where near that even if he is just as talented in his field.  Instead of realizing “Hey, wow I’ve been blessed,” it’s “Hey, wow I want more.”  Sadly enough, it is always looked upon as those people, the plumbers, are not hard workers, because of the few bad examples that are out there.  Those “good” students simply stopped studying hard because it wasn’t about them anymore, they were put into a situation where they had to do something for the betterment of a group of people and it wasn’t all about them, and instead of continuing to work hard, they proved how selfish and greedy they were.  The good students, in my opinion, are clearly representing a group of people who belong to a certain party.  I’ll let you make that call.

Although we are not a socialistic government, and we never will be, it amazes me how much a little help could go a long way.  Our President isn’t asking for anything too ridiculous, all he’s saying is if you’re blessed why can’t you help those that are not as not as fortunate as you are. If you’re making $250,000 is it really that bad to give a little more to the government and country which has provided you with the opportunity to be successful?  Is it really going to hurt you financially?  Instead a fit is thrown by those who claim they shouldn’t have to give up any of their money that they’ve worked hard for.  From recent polls, 66% of republicans say that they hold religion close to them.  Close to 100% of religions in this country are based on having good morals and giving to others.  Hypocritical?

I also repsect those that have worked extremely hard to be wealthy.  One of the greatest thing about living in this country is we have the freedom to do what we please.  And, for those who say that they don’t want to give their monmey to those people who are the “slackers” and those that don’t work hard, why let those who do suffer.  It’s like if you go to a school and a couple of the kids are smoking pot and the rest of the kids in the school go to jail with them.  We know that the majority of those kids are not smoking pot, and therefore they should not suffer because of those few kids’ action.  Those people who truly don’t work hard or do anything with their lives, cannot be “happy” people.  If they’ve coasted through life being given everything they cannot be satisfied with themselves as people, and a few extra bucks is not going to chaneg that.


New Years

This winter break is the first winter break that I am all by myself.  Last winter break I stay with my host family and sister. But this year due to the days we have for winter break its not worth for me to fly all the way back to celebrate the Christmas and new year. When I heard there would be a lot of people going back for break.  I was kind of happy that IMG wont be that crowded. After two days of break I realize how quiet and how weird life without a lot of people is. Especially when it is Christmas and New Year. Because of the festival there is less people in the IMG. Actually I was really upset during the New Year. Because when I was in Taiwan I always went out with my friend to celebrate. But since I come to united state I never celebrate the New Year any more.  And it was really upset to hear all my friend was having fun during the winter break. Therefore, I hope next year’s winter break I can go back to Taiwan and celebrate with my friends and family.



A new study found that spanked children may grow up happier, more successful than those who have never been hit. According to the research, children spanked up to the age of six were likely  to perform better as teenagers in school and were more likely to want to go to college than their peers who had never been physically disciplined. Although, the study is against by few of organization because they still feel the spanked the children is really dangerous. In my point of view is some spanked can really help the growth of child. A real life example for my cousin and me is my mom usually spanked me when I was young. She will make sure my behavior and my school. As the result my grade and my social life is good. But in other hand my cousin’s mom always let my cousin does what ever he want. And always took care him. As the result, he struggles a lot when he is growing up. He got kick out of school a lot and get into troubles with police a few times. I do support this study as I know it has helped me.

Christmas and Break!

My break was the best break I had in years. I spent a lot of time with my family and friends. My dad had some parties at our house and we partied hard! I went out ever night with my friends. I had such a great time with my family as well; we went to the movies and went out to eat a few times. My mom and dad spoiled me I had gotten a lot of stuff for Christmas. Along with that my Grandma gave me 500 dollars in cash so I could go shopping. I spent it all on cloths I miss home and I am kind of ready to go back. I got to see all of my old friends and hang with them! I went back to my old school to watch my old bball team play and my old friends gave me a lot of love! I also got to are a lot of my ex’s there at the game, and it was weird having them all there in the same spot But it was still cool. I got to see some of some family members I hadn’t seen in 10yrs so that was also pretty cool I had missed my sister and uncle very much because we use to stay up all night and talk and watch movies. I had an amazing break!

In one of the science classes, they are dissecting a pig.  So Julia’s article, “Men Are Pigs!” was written at the right time.   But to go with this article, I agree girls can not do anything or they are called major whores.  But if they do not do anything at all  they are considered worse.  But men, if they get some, all give them props.  So a girl can look at two ways –  one screw it and have fun or the other not do anything at all and stay away.  But in the end we all get screwed, guys or girls.  Guys just want props so they tell their guys friends.  Ggirls do not want any one to know anything because of judgment. Then if you do not do anything at all, people wonder the worst of all. So in the end, we all get screwed no matter what you do. But honestly it is better to be screwed together !

Being that I’m not from the United States, I am nto accustomed to the tradition of Thanksgiving and the aftermath known as “Black Friday”. Last week, I spent thanksgiving at a teammates house in Bradenton and we decided to check out the sales at the Prime Outlets at 12:30am.

It was madness! The traffic was backed up a mile from the mall and finding parking was almost impossible. At the mall, there were people everywhere. I couldn’t believe there were so many people that go shopping in the middle of the night until the early hours of the morning. It’s something I’ve never seen before. There were even people wearing pyjamas.

It was strange to see a jam-packed shopping mall, with everyone from the ages of 10 to 60, at 2:00am. I also don’t realize why the shops don’t just run the sales during the day, what benefit is there to do it night? However, it is kind of cool to have a midnight shopping night once a year.

There are so many  regular people that smoke pot in America. Smoking pot clearly has far less dangerous effects on other people and on us than legal drugs like alcohol. The prohibition of pot has failed to reduce the production and use of marijuana.

The government has tried to use criminal penalties to prevent marijuana use for over 75 years but that obviously has not helpe. Statistics show marijuana is now used by over 25 million people annually and cannabis is currently the largest cash crop in the United States even though marijuana is grown all over the planet. Marijuana is a lot safer than alcohol and it is an established scientific fact that marijuana is not toxic to humans like alcohol or cigarette are. Marijuana overdoses are almost impossible. Also a very important thing is that  Marijuana is not nearly as addictive as alcohol or tobacco. And for these reasons i think that  it is unfair to treat marijuana users more harshly under the law than the users of alcohol or tobacco. Smoking tobacco is worse than smoking marijuana and alcohol intoxicates our bodies. Marijuana does not have any affects in our bodies like alcohol and tobacco do so that is why it should not be illegal when far more harming products are available to us everywhere.

The four seasons.

Every year, there are four different seasons.  (Unless you live in Florida that is.)  These seasons all bring different temperatures, feelings, and holidays.  Most people associate winter with Christmas.  Personally, this is my favorite holiday.  Not only do I get to go home and see all my friends and family, the weather is cooler which makes a change from the hot humid Florida weather.  Summer can be unbearably hot.  Many people like summer because of the long break from school, not to mention the sunbathing and pool parties.  Spring is one of the most enjoyable seasons.  It is sunny, but pleasant and refreshing.  There is not as much humidity as the summer, but the temperature is still warm.  I think that it is very relaxing in spring with all of the birds and wildlife.  Fall is also a nice time of year, it is starting to get cooler because it is getting closer to winter.  The trees all start to change color which can be very beautiful in parts of the world.  Everyone has their favorite time of year and season.  What is yours?

Men = Pig

In my opinion all men in one form or another are selfish pigs. Men have no idea how to keep it in their pants. They are all only interesting in one thing. They treat woman like a piece of meat and assume themselves superior than everyone else. Men can be so fake; they seem to care so much more of what other people think even more so then woman. They will never admit when they are wrong, and insist that everything has to revolve around them. Men have it so easy! The worst part is that if a man gets with a woman he gets a pat on the back, a good job from his buddies. But, if a woman has a one nightstand with a guy she’s considered a whore, and if she’s doesn’t “put out” she’s considered a bi*** (female dog) or a prude. For women it’s a lose, lose situation.

Protesters who want assisted suicide to be legalized.

Assisted suicide is a big debate in the medical world.  It is an issue close to many peoples hearts.  Every year sadly to say, thousands of people are diagnosed with terminal illnesses.  At some stage, these illnesses become virtually intolerable and painful for the patient.  At this stage, not only is the patient suffering but the family is also suffering.  Many patients have asked doctors for assisted suicide; around 57% of doctors have admitted to being asked to assist patients in suicide.  Because it is illegal, not only does this put the doctor in a difficult position it makes the patient feel uneasy.  Many patients with terminal illnesses want to stop the pain and suffering that they are going through.  I think that people should have the right to decide wether they want to live or not when they are in extreme pain.  It is a tough call in which both sides of the argument cannot win.

In the article, it is clear that giving under aged people driving licenses, is a bad idea.  As an analogy, a journalist said ” giving a drivers license to a teenage child under age 18 was like giving the kid a revolver with ten thousand chambers, only one which is loaded with a bullet, and telling him to point it at his head and pull the trigger.”  The 16-year-old driving privilege was established in the early years of time, when the vehicles held less power, roadways were less congested, and 16-year-olds were considered mature at the time.  During those years, they were only given to teens for work purposes in the farms.  On the other intent of issuing licenses, parents would be relieved to assign them with licenses for driving younger siblings.  Plus, the teens must be responsible and mature in driving privileges.  In conclusion, it still stands that risks can take advantages over teens and under aged teens.

ShhhhAmerica has an interesting history. Through the years, nationalism has made America’s history seem almost like a movie. it seems that a David and Galioth situation always reacurs throughout this history. Why or how is this? In my own opinion there seems to always be some sort of almost “hollywood” cause at the head of the spear. The rest of the spear is the staff reprisenting the masses. Finally their is the one who directs the spear; I know its all very confusing, but the main point is coming. The one holding this spear sees it as a tool. Only when the spear head and the staff are combined it becomes a weapon. This now brings me back to the main subject of what im writing. This concept has been used by leaders such as Hitler, who gave a cause to his people and simply pointed them in a direction. Now some would call his people ignorant, but how can we know if this has happened to us. Did Abraham Lincoln fight for civil rights, or was the civil war just a business venture, in which him and members of his cabinet profited. The Bush family has been in goverment for several generations, and Prescott Bush had been linked with funding the horrible tyrant, Hittler, and his campaign. Prescott had been trading with Hittler during World War II, and had his wrist slapped by the government. So why isnt that in the history book when it talks of americas involment in the war, and again not mentioned in the presidentual elections of his son or grandson? So many questions like these, and I simply dont have enough space on this screen to list the wrongs comited by multifaceted politions. However I ask you to question just how many Hitler’s might be out there that we dont know about.


Symbol of healthcare.

This past weekend, the house passed the Health Care Bill.  It had been narrowly passed barely getting the 218 votes that were needed for the bill to be passed on to the senate.  There was only one republican that voted for the Health Care Bill.  The majority leader of the senate is doubtful that the bill will be passed through legislation.  President Obama had promised in his speech that he is going to pass the Health Care Bill by the end of the year.  In his latest speech, he did not comment on the time frame when the bill will be passed.  It was interesting that there was thirty representatives that voted against Obama’s plan.  This may be because of where they live and who they represent.  These representatives may be more conservative democrats.  This bill requires everyone to have health insurance which will cost americans additional money in taxes.

poetryIn poetry we see the world through many different windows. It can give the reader insight into the writers mind. The reason I enjoy poetry is its power of expression. When reading a poem you can find many general meanings that differ with each reader. Truly amazing poetry will not have a message within its text, but will make a reader aware of the message within themselves. Writers like Whitman and Twain, have become immortal through their poetry. This freedom of expression enables us to explore different ideals. Exploring the depths of our emotions and observing the world as these writers have, will save us from the ignorance that seems to be plaguing our society.

U.S. Army adHello, I am a student here in America. I go to school and have lived a pretty average life. The reason I write this is because I have seen hypocrisy within our country. Too often we here of countries using military propaganda, and too often our media demonizes them for this. If you are American or visited our country chances are you have seen first hand what our media is like. While I lived in this country I have seen hundreds of military ads. In movie previews there are military glorifying music videos; on billboards, poster, and busses alike. All countries glorify their militaries through strategies like propaganda. “War is when the old trick the young into doing horrible things.” So when the recruiters come for your child and use programs like the ROTC, just be sure that they are aware of what the sign up for.


High school is an interesting place. In the classroom students find themselves doing their class work, socializing, or staring down the clock until their eyes bleed. Oh yes, high school… Where the young leaders of tomorrow prepare for their future. Everything, all their accomplishments, summed up and graded with a letter. What an amazing environment for developing adolescence.

I for one, being an 18 year old student, love this education system. What an amazing world where people can be educated and develop a sense of how far they’ll go in life. God bless America and God bless high school.

Different Sports

Many different sports

Everyday we see people playing their sports.  Some people are playing amazing, and some people aren’t on the top of their game.  I know for a fact, that it is impossible to perform at your best every day at our sports.  The question is why?  Sports are so mentally challenging.  They require a lot of focus on each and every point, play, or shot.  To be good at a sport, it is really important to be mentally strong.  Not only do you have to be able to cope with a variety of situations, you have to be able to stay calm and composed throughout them.  Most sports require a lot of physical fitness.  Many athletes put themselves through hours and hours of training, to be able to compete with some of the top players.  It takes a very special kind of person to be a champion, that is why there are so few in the world.  They have to be dedicated, athletic, and mentally strong all in one!


Should cell phones be allowed in class?

  People might have a different opinion on this topic, but the way I see it, it should be as follows: any student that is managing to cope with the workload and their grades reflect that, should have the freedom to text on their cellphone as long as it doesn’t sidetrack or disturb any other students. If the work is still being completed and there is no decrease in the student’s grade then there is no need to be strict and confiscate cellphones. However, if the student is failing to get the work done and they are struggling then cellphones should not be allowed. I think the situation should be assessed and then if it is not affecting anyone else, perhaps the student should be given the freedom to use his phone, especially if he or she has requirements to talk to their girlfriend/boyfriend back home.

Does anybody find IMG so much better this year?  I do. I think that everything is just so much better than last year.  For those of you that are new, I will tell you how bad it was last year.


Let’s put the food issue in the cafeteria aside for a moment because honestly, in my opinion, the food will never ever improve. The shuttles running from APV or Champions Walk to campus was disastrous, shuttles came every 20 minutes or so. We get yelled at for not having an ID around our necks, and no one is allowed to get into the cafeteria without an ID.  What’s worse is the zero system basically, if you get 6 or more zeros, you will not be able to go on any trips and also have to do detention every night for an hour. Staffs gave a zero to anyone who has their bed unmade, drawer not closed, lights not switched off, socks left out on the floor and up to 3 zeros if electronics are left out. See how easy it is to get 6 zeros a week now?

Now, we do not get yelled at for not having IDs on our necks, we sign up for trips online, girls get to live in APV without paying for a ridiculous amount of money and the shuttles are so much better now, with the IMG tram and the shuttles coming one after another. The best thing is that we have so much more freedom now. I used to have to deal with mentors coming into my room every 2 hours checking on me and giving zeros whenever they feel like. Enjoy and appreciate the changes because it might not be long until they change it back again.


Who is tired of being yelled at for not tucking their shirt in to their pants or wearing shorts that are too short? Well, it is just the third week of school, there is more to come, I’m sorry! In my opinion, I think that it is good enough for a student to even wear the Pendleton school shirt, tucking it in to our pants is not only way too much work, it also looks ugly on some people, not to mention, for fat people, it can be uncomfortable. A student from last year told me that he got in trouble for not tucking in his shirt and was told to go in to the bathroom and fix his shirt. The only problem for him was that his belly was too big and the pants he had on were too tight and it was almost impossible to even fit a piece of paper into them. He got out of the bathroom, hoping that that certain teacher was gone, but unfortunately, the teacher was chatting away with another teacher right next to the boys’ restroom. He then received a sports suspension for not listening and not following the dress code. For the rest of the year, he avoided that certain teacher. Lucky for him, he does not have to deal with our pretty little dress code anymore because he is now happy that he is in college and can wear his T-shirt outside his pants.

Reading on CNN news I saw a topic on Michael Jackson so I decided to read.  The topic of discussion was on while they were cleaning out Michael Jackson’s bedroom.  They said that while searching they found marijuana, skin bleaching and hair growing ointments, ant insomnia pills and empty bottles of several anti-anxiety drugs.  The investigation is still going on and they are still doing research on the case.  Although Michael used drugs and there were many other mysterious things said about him, he was in my opinion one of the most talented artist of his times.  Not only did he perform and create amazing music but he also gave a lot back to the community.  He gave endless amounts of money to charities and other things.   He was a great person and he will always be remembered.

    • Aully Bukan: Thanks for share...
    • riskstar: Good information
    • Rob Dresser: Many people have a poor grasp of what this is about. At its core this is about advanced stage terminal illness and relieving those in that condition
