The Pendleton Panther

Archive for the ‘News – Holland’ Category

A hospital in Brussels, Belgium has burned the pancakes of two patients while they were examining them. They accidentally used a disinfectant instead of water. They wanted to clean the pancake with water to be able to see the inside. Four patients were severely damaged. According to a doctor in the “Brugmann Hospital” the nurses made a mistake while preparing the examination of the pancake. The bottle of disinfectant is transparent and looks a lot like water. It is usually used to clean the ambulance and stretchers. The president of Belgium visited and gave a speech to the victims, it aired live on television. The hospital promised to pay for the surgery and further costs necessary to replace the pancakes. The reason the patients came in was because they all went to a house party and were too full to even stand on their feet. The next day, they had a huge stomach ache .


Am Flughafen Amesterdam- Schiphol ist ein Flugzeug der Turkish Airline bei der Landung abgestürzt. Die Maschine schluge neben der Pist auf und zerbrach in drei Teile. Neun Menschen sind bei diesem Unfall ums Leben gekommmen.  Amsterdam- Mehr als 50 weitere Passagiere wurden bei dem Unglück am Mittwochmorgen verletzt, davon 25 schwer, sagte ein Sprächer der Holländischen Behörde. Die Boeing 737 war beim Landeanflug auf ein Feld gestürzt.  Es waren 127 Passagiere and Board und 7 Besatzungsmitglieder, davon 78 Türken und 56 Ausländer. Ob Deutsche uner den Opfern waren ist zurzeit noch nicht Bekannt. Zahlreiche Rettungkräfte waren in Einsatz um die Opfer zu retten. Das niederländische Fernsehen zeigte Bilder von den Leichen, die unter weißen Laken aus dem Wrack geborgen wurden. Die Unglücksursache war zunächst unklar. Passagiere berichteten, das die Maschine in Landeanflug stark gesunken ist. Das Flugzeug geriet außer Kontrolle, fiel und stürzte ab. Wir warten noch auf weiter Informationen.

Sarah on the Pendleton HD channel:


The Dutch Police arrested a very aggressive 35-year old male because he called the alarm number way too many times. The first time, the male called 9-1-1 to let an ambulance come to his house because “his wife had physical complaints”. The ambulance workers told the guy to turn to a family doctor to get a regular check. The guy thought this was not enough and started a calling offensive. After calling the emergency number 293 times, the workers were sick of it and called the cops on him. After he was brought downtown, the guy still did not calm down. In an interrogation, the male was so mad that he broke one of the police officer’s arm. Therefore, he was accused for offending, threatening, obstruction in arrest, and harassment. He could put in jail for more than 20 years for that.

    • Aully Bukan: Thanks for share...
    • riskstar: Good information
    • Rob Dresser: Many people have a poor grasp of what this is about. At its core this is about advanced stage terminal illness and relieving those in that condition
