The Pendleton Panther

Archive for the ‘PENDLETON’ Category

School is almost up, and it’s an important time to keep focused on school work. Theres less then 2 months left in the school year and although most of us feel like we just don’t wanna do anything, its a crucial time to keep your head in the game. Many people by 4th quarter start slacking, and getting lazy and forget that school is ALMOST over, its not quite over yet. We’re all eager to be done with school and greet summer with open arms.  It hard finding motivation to keeping focused with your school work, but it really comes down to whether or not you want to end on a sweet or sour note. In my mind it’s better to end on a good note, and be able to go into summer stress free, academically atleast. Less then 2 months, the ends is so close yet so far, but its key to make sure your grades stay up.

College Coaches are truly a breed of their own. I have been recently emailing some college coaches and they are extreme. There is are coaches who put smilie faces in emails. A couple actually tried to text in their emails. It has been intersecting to see what they will say. Not only are there emails entertaining but on the field also. I go to a tournament, they sit there and watch us play. Trying to be all secretive with there pads and paper. But then you look at the guy and he is covered head to toe in school gear ! So much for being unnoticed. The best is when  you start really taking business it is like an auction. Do I have a bider for the left defense, okay do I have a bider who is willing to pay for books? SOLD ! The back and forth conversations. The College Process is rewarding, the Coaches are great.

Deep down you know you a little feelings for the little flipping mammal. It all relates back to when you are young at  the local Dolphin show. Dolphins are one of the smartest animals. In Austria there has been a discovery in Dolphin feeding. They feed on fast small fish. Dolphins have been having trouble catching their peer. There is a small group of dolphins that have find a way to bet the  survival of the fittest. The head dolphin runs in a tight circle pushing its tail down hard  on the sand causing a thick dark cloud. The small fish response  by going crazy. The Dolphins just wait and their food is literally handed to them. Scientist were amazed by the creativity this mammals have shown. If its from the local Dolphin show too Austria where they are finding new discoveries every day on survival.

Alex Jaeger

Alex Jaegar, a 10-year-old Kansas boy who recently scored a 23 on the ACT entrance exam is attending Pittsburg State University this semester ( 2nd semester of 2009-2010). Alex Jaegar is another child prodigy who was always inquisitive and ready to learn. In kindergarten, he scored in the 99.9 percentile of the Stanford-Binet, a standardized test that assesses intelligence and cognitive abilities. This means that out of a group of 100 children, he would be the most intelligent one.  He taught himself multiplication, division, and fractions before finishing kindergarten. His parents took him out of school and decided to home-school him since they knew that he would fit into his own age group. By the age of 10, he completed his high school education and was then accepted to the Pittsburg State University. This semester, Alex will take biology, chemistry, calculus, choir, and piano with students who are at least 8 years older than he is. Although it may be dangerous for a child to not have a childhood, it seems that this is what he is hoping to pursue.

Standford Logo

Leland Stanford Junior University is known as Stanford University, which is a private university that is in Stanford, California. Stanford has around 6,700 undergraduate and around 8,000 graduate students.  This is an amazing University that kids dream of going to but it is very strict on grades and are highly achieved in sports.  The university is divided into different schools: Stanford Business School, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford Law School and Stanford school of Engineering.  People magazine ranked  Stanford’s undergraduate program fourth in the nation. Stanford is also consistently ranked high in sports. It offers 34 varsity sports that have 18 female sports and 15 for males.  It also offers 19 club sports and 37 intramural sports.  The University offers about 300 athletic scholarships, but apart from just being good at your sport, you need to have a high GPA and impressive SAT scores to get in.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is caused by the uncontrollable growth of abnormal skin cells. It is usually detected from an irregular looking mole on your skin. If left untreated, it can develop into a serious fatal illness spreading quickly from the skin into tissues and organs. It is very dangerous. The main cause of skin cancer is the UV rays from the sun. Not all cases of skin cancer are from the sun. In some cases it is inherited through your genes, and unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done.

Many of us enjoy soaking up the son and getting tan, I admit it myself. If people come to the beach on holidays they sit at the beach for most of the day and frazzle their skin.

When you are running around outside for many hours playing your sport in Florida, you don’t realise the effect the sun is having on your skin. That is why you need to wear sunscreen and a hat!

Monday, November 16, Linda Mayberry (Social Studies department) and I drove over to Kennedy Space Center for the launching of the space shuttle Atlantis.  The entire Visitor’s Center was open, so we explored the exhibits and looked for a good place where Linda could watch the launch.  I had received a special invitation, so I would be going to a different location to view the launch.  I had no idea how good that location would be.

I boarded a bus and found myself at the viewing site for family members and friends of the shuttle astronauts.  This is the closest location from which spectators can view a launch, 4 miles.  People there were talking about their friends / roommates / flight buddies who were going on the mission, and I could feel the excitement and anticipation as the countdown wore on.  Every time an announcement said that another system checked out the crowd would break out in applause.

Finally the countdown got close to zero.  At T minus 3 minutes NASA played the National Anthem.  Just before the launch I photographed a Bald Eagle flying by.  The crowd counted down the final ten seconds with the announcer.  When the first plumes came from the launch pad a cheer went up.  Then the shuttle rose on a pillar of fire, cleared the tower, and the crowd roared.

As the shuttle neared the clouds, the sound from the launch finally reached us.  While it was not as loud as I expected, I could feel the concussions  from the roar and crackle of the engines.  The shuttle continued to climb, and we watched it until the solid rocket boosters separated.  Then we made our way back to the buses and returned to the visitor’s center.

It was cool to overhear people talking.  Many were moved to tears knowing that their best friends or family were fulfilling lifelong dreams of traveling into space.  I realized as I listened that I was a spectator; these people were participants.  Even though I found the launch exhilarating, the launch meant more to them than I will ever understand.

STS-129 was my first attended shuttle launch.  Everything worked perfectly, and there were no delays or postponements.  I was a recipient of a marvelous opportunity, and I experienced something I will never forget.  — Eric Van Zytveld


This photo was taken by Mr. VanZytveld in Cape Canaveral, FL. The purpose of the space flight was to bring new astronauts and equipment to the ISS (International Space Station).

Every November, Earth gets a glance of meteor light in the night sky. This year is not different. While Asia will be getting the most mesmerizing meteor show this year, we will also be getting a natural entertainment. The Leonid meteor shower is coming this morning, at 3:30 am and the shower will run from then until about 5:30 am. There should be 20 to 30 meteors per hour in America and as many as 200 to 300 per hour over in Asia. With the weather like tonight’s, nothing will stop us from seeing the Leonid meteor shower. So please, spread the news and set your alarms to 3:30 am! I don’t know if you have heard this before but wishing upon a meteor is very effective! Having a wish come true is definitely worth waking up for! Even if you do not believe in these “girly” beliefs, you should still not miss the chance because as damaged and polluted as the earth is now (this is just my opinion), it would not be surprising that we will never get to see this again. Besides, it could be a romantic night with your other half and maybe you can even repair a broken relationship or even better, mend a shattered heart.

Enjoy the show and don’t forget to make a wish!

Mrs. Reedy is a very energetic, high energy type of person. She is very friendly and rarely gets mad. Sometimes she can be a little too nice. She is very slow to anger or get mad. Mrs. Reedy is funny and loves to joke around, she is always smiling. She is very smart and very intelligent. When it comes to all class subjects, she knows about math, english, and art. It doesn’t matter what subject it is,  she knows it all. She helps people out so much, she is such a good helper. She will come in early, stay late at night, and even come in on weekends to help students. Even though we all know she could be doing different things. She is kind of on the nerdy side to me. Mrs. Reedy likes solving problems and she loves to read. She helps me out a lot, she bends her back for me and makes sure I am always doing the right thing. Mrs. Reedy is my favorite teacher and I really appreciate the things that she does for us students.

LMU_2This Friday I leave to go to Los Angeles for the weekend. I fly in the afternoon on Friday and get back on Monday. I am going to attend a recruiting camp at Loyola Marymount University.

I am hoping to go to college in California next year, and LMU is an option. In addition, there will also be coaches from other colleges in California. It is a good opportunity to showoff myself and gain some interest. I have been to LA only once before, but I never really left the hotel room, except to play the soccer games we went there for. So I never got a chance to see Los Angeles, Hollywood, the beach etc. I am highly anticipating this weekend. It will be great to play some soccer and get a tour of the campus at LMU on saturday, and then have a good time in the evening and on sunday maybe get a chance to do some sight seeing.  I am very excited.

If all goes well I can impress some coaches and open some opportunities for next year.

Astronomers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have discovered 32 new planets orbiting various stars in the galaxy.  The discovery was made at the La Silla observatory in Chile thanks to the High Accuracy Radial Planet Searcher or Harps.  The Harps spectrograph is connected in turn to a 3.6 meter telescope and has considerably contributed to the 400 exoplanets, or planets that exist outside of our solar system, that have thus far been found.  Because the planets aren’t visible even through the most powerful telescopes, they had to be found by analyzing the wobble that their stars underwent as each body pulled on the other.  Although none of the planets seemed inhabitable or particularly unusual, the importance of these discoveries relates to the masses of some of these bodies.  While a good number of high mass planets made up of toxic gasses were found, it was the lower mass planets that were exciting.  Massive gas planets were thought to make up the vast majority of exoplanets, severely reducing the probability that life could exist elsewhere in our galaxy, but, according to the ESO, as many as 40% of stars in our universe could be orbited by a planet of similar mass to Earth.

While NASA’s LCROSS success crash landing onto the moon was spectacular, now that the probes and sensors have all been deployed, the real science can begin.  The surprises came right from the landing as excessive levels of sodium have been detected, and while it was known that some percentage of the lunar surface was made up of the highly active metal, the concentration is much greater than expected.  LCROSS identifies elements and compounds using its many spectrometers.  Spectrometers compare which frequencies of light pass through certain substances with known elemental frequencies.  These devices are highly accurate, and it is hoped that they will be able to detect water if any is present.  The probe, however, has even more up its sleeve.  Microwave ovens work by exciting water molecules by emitting electromagnetic waves at the frequency at which water resonates.  LCROSS is also armed with a microwave emitter, and it was hoped that energizing molecules of water would make them easier to detect.  Unfortunately, no water has been found thus far on the moon, but the abundance of hydrogen found on other moon missions keeps hopes high.

study hard now play later

study hard now play later

The process of getting into college is the most important thing in a teenager’s life yet the hardest at the same time. This is not just something that you can pick in a week or month. This school will be your home for the next for years or maybe more. This is the first big decision that is to be made on your own. Of course there will be people who will try to tell you what college is best for you and where they went and why you should go. To be totally honest you should go visit the school that you want to go to because what is right for one may not be right for another. In my opinion  I would personally choose the school that caters most to the major that you want persue. It will make you happier in the end.


Posted on: October 15, 2009



Yesterday, all of the American students in Pendleton took the PSAT.  A practice SAT, that helps you to understand what the SAT is like. The senior grade takes the SAT, 10 and 11 grades takes PSAT. The PAST was on October the 14th. I heard from a lot of people that the English section was really hard and math was really easy. I think PSAT is really good to prepare for your SAT. PSAT is very hard in my opinion and I think that the SAT is harder. If you get around 1600 it is really great score in my opinion. In the PSAT there are 5 sections.  Three sections are English and 2 sections are math. It is a really big advantage for International students to get a good grade in the math because if the English is poor, the math can make it up. Also when you take the PSAT you can take a break.  Throughout the test, the teacher is watching you to check if your cheating or copying from other people. The coolest thing about the PSAT is that if you do well you can get a free college scholarship. PSAT is graded by the computer not, people.

The next step for the class of 2010.

Preparing for college and deciding what career to study has become something important now that I am entering high school. I´ve been very focused over the last two years in preparing to be a very good soccer player, not only because I love the game, but because I also see it as a means to getting an athletic scholarship. I dream of playing at NCCA, Division One Level. The National Collegiate Athletic Association is an organization through which the U.S. colleges and universities govern their athletics programs.

Now that I´ve come to get my high school degree at Pendleton, and that I´m training and being part of the U18 girls IMG soccer team, I think and really expect to be closer to getting that wanted scholarship. At first, a couple of years ago, I just didn’t know what I wanted to study, but now as I have gotten more involved in reading and discussing with my parents about the future, I am inclining myself to seek Entrepreneurship and Finance. My Dad says that in the current labor market, an MBA is a most, especially if I want to seek Entrepreneurship and Finance.

I guess preparing for college needs a degree of maturity on my part. I will be seeking counseling in order to be better guided, and I will focused on my game in order to fight for that needed and wanted scholarship.

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the expulsion from the uterus of an embryo, resulting in or caused by its death.

Abortion has a long story and has been induced by various methods. The herbal abortifacients, the use of sharpened tools, physical trauma and medications to induce abortion. The legality, prevalence, and cultural views on abortion vary substantially around the world. In many parts of the world there is prominent and divisive public controversy over the ethical and legal issues of abortion. Abortion and abortion-related issues feature prominently in the national politics in many nations often involving the opposing pro-life. Incidence of abortion has declined worldwide, as access to family planning education and contraceptive services has increased. Abortion incidence in the United States declined  about a 8% from 1996 to 2003.

The types of abortion are medical and surgical abortion. The medical abortions is only used in the first trimester of pregnancy. The medical abortion is the 10% used in the United States and Europe. Surgical abortion it is used in  the first 12 weeks, suction-aspiration or vacuum abortion is the most common method.Manual  Vacuum  Aspiration (MVA) by suction using a manual syringe, while electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA) abortion uses an electric pump.

the LCROSS spacecraft separating from its Centaur rocket.

the LCROSS spacecraft separating from its Centaur rocket.

On Friday October 9th NASA launched a 7 million dollar rocket at the moon. NASA’s clamming the strikes on the moon was a success, kicking up enough dust for scientists to determine whether or not there is water on the moon. They launched the rocket at the moon’s South Pole because this area of the moon does not get any sun and will be the most likely spot to find evidence of water. The NASA experts expected the plume cloud to rise up at least 16 kilometers after the rocket hit but they got nowhere near this number, but NASA officials are claming that this does not matter and they have sufficient data to find what they are looking for. It will be a while before all the data from the satellite can be analyzed to determine if there is water on the moon, according to LCROSS project manager Dan Andrews.

USF campus

USF Campus

The University of South Florida texted all the teachers and students that are on campus, alerting them of a possible gunman. This took place Monday, October 5, 2009 at 2p.m, In Tampa, Fl where the University of South Florida is located. The text message that was sent said, “EMERGENCY: Armed intruder on Campus. Stay inside. Lock doors. Emergency personnel responding.” (CBS News). Policemen said that they received a phone call saying that there was a gunman standing outside the library on campus. Nobody actually saw a man holding a gun or threatening anyone, but the police still investigated and are trying to get to the bottom of what had happened. There will be updates with any information or news on the investigation. But for now, students should be very careful and always very alert to situations like this which we hope wont happen very often in different schools or public places.

Chemistry is a type of science that is used everyday and it is in almost everything around us. I have Mr. Shubert’s chemistry class and he is a good teacher, chemistry is the hardest thing that I have every done and it is a hard course to take but it is one if the interesting classes that I have ever taken. So far in chemistry class we have learned about how atoms ,elements, and particles work and used every day.chemistry_molecules

The learning resource center is my favorite class aside from current events. This class is very helpful. the teachers tutor you, help you with homework, they also help you with writing assessments or papers and they help you with every subject. Mrs. Reedy and Mrs. Brook are very smart and helpful ,probably the two smartest teachers here. They are very hands on and very caring to us and our homework. They take care of business and get things done. One of my other reason why I like this class so much is because, it is relaxing quiet and you can get a lot of work done in little time, (even though the class room is very cold).  They make sure our grades are good and make sure we go to every class. They just make sure we as students are getting things done and are handling business. But that is why I like this class so much.

It’s official, water has been found on our moon existing in ice crystals.  Although the Earth’s driest deserts are still less arid than the Moon, it is estimated that 32 ounces of water exist in one ton of lunar surface.  Proof of this fantastic scientific discovery, however, may have been brought back to earth over 30 years ago.  Moon rocks from the Apollo missions contained trace amounts of water, but the astronomers passed it off as accidental contamination as many of the containers had leaked upon returning to Earth.  The confusion is not too surprising as, interestingly enough, the isotopes of oxygen that exist in water on Earth are identical to those found on the moon, making the respective molecules indistinguishable.  Scientists now believe that pockets of ice may exist in the sheltered pits of craters.  Insufficient data prevents confirmation of this theory, but if it is true, it could mean entirely feasible human settlements on the moon.

Though the moon has many seas, scientists thought it was dry…
They were wrong…
In a study published today in Nature, researchers led by Brown University geologist Alberto Saal found evidence of water molecules in pebbles retrieved by NASA’s Apollo missions. The findings point to the existence of water deep beneath the moon’s surface, transforming scientific understanding of our nearest neighbor’s formation and, perhaps, our own. There may also be a more immediately practical application. Is there water there? That’s important for lunar missions. People could get the water. They could use the hydrogen for energy,” said Saal. Untitled-1_618191aThe pebbles were scattered by lunar volcanoes that erupted three billion years ago, when the moon was still a cooling hunk of magma cast into orbit by the collision of a Mars-sized asteroid with Earth.


In California, the economy has gotten so bad that President Obama has stopped supporting California with funds. This puts the public universities in a crisis situation because without the funding they cannot function properly. So the schools have started to compromise by increasing costs for students and cutting salaries for teachers. Today there are many rallies, walkouts and teach-ins scheduled all over the state of California for both teachers and students who are not happy with the situation. Also, 100 faculty and students from the state’s public universities protested outside a meeting. They used a hearse, a cardboard, coffin, bagpipe, and had a “funeral” for the state’s master plan for higher education and its promises to students of access and low cost. This is not a good start to the school year for the public universities in California and yet another example of how bad our economy has gotten in the last year.

There is a controversy about how long classes in schools should last for. At home in Scotland, classes last for 40 minutes. Here, in Pendleton classes are 70 minutes long.
It depends on how you look at it. Some say that less is better because you don’t lose your concentration and can focus for a short period of time. Also when you are in a subject that you don’t like, it isn’t so bad, because the time goes by quickly, whereas a longer period of time guarantees a loss of focus and concentration at some point during the lesson, or even a few lapses, and may lead to boredom. Others can argue that if you arrive late to a 40 minute class then you have missed nearly a section of the class, also that you can’t cover much in 40 minutes. They say that longer periods are better because you can cover more in one class.
When I first came to Pendleton and heard that classes lasted 90 minutes I nearly had a heart attack, then they told us that classes this year were shortened to 70 minutes. It was better but I was worried about lasting that long, because I was just not used to such long classes.

Habitat for Humanity – …

Campus Sporting Events – ….

Big Brothers / Big Sisters – …

Pendleton / IMG recycling – details coming soon

There are many British people who I have gotten into fights about the sport football. Now when I say football you might think that I am speaking of American football like the brown oval ball with the white laces and where people try to hit each other as hard as possible. No not at all I am talking about soccer where people run around and kick the little black and white ball. There is a big controversy on why Americans call soccer, well just soccer. In England and many other countries they call soccer what we in America call football. Believe it or not the word soccer comes from the British origin. It was a term developed by the British in the 20th century. It thrives from the word “assoc” which is short for association football which is what we simply call football. In which over time turned into the word soccer. So to be yelled at and forced into an argument about why Americans call soccer, soccer and American football just football is pointless. The reason being is because we are just using the word that YOU came up with!

space-elevator diagramThe idea of creating an elevator that reached up into space was originally thought of in 1895 by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, an Imperial Russian and a Soviet rocket scientist.  He was inspired by the Eiffel Tower in Paris but stretched the concept into the structure going all the way into space.  The purpose of the project is designed to transport material into space.  There are several dilemmas though.  Finding a material that is light enough and strong enough to build it out of is one major problem.  The total weight of the structure would be too much for a cable to hold, causing it to break under its own weight.  Currently there are no materials that would work for the construction of the structure.  Along with being extremely durable, the materials used would have to be cost-effective, light weight, and be produced in huge quantities. If the elevator will ever be completed, it would eventually pay itself off because it would be way cheaper than launching a space shuttle every time. The space elevator will probably not be seen in our lifetime, but I think that the project will definitely continue to be worked on in the future. 







How many planets are in our Solar System? If you ask NASA there are eight.  Or is there?   Three years ago, NASA ruled out Pluto as a planet as it is now considered a “dwarf planet.”  With Pluto’s inconsistent orbit around the sun, NASA said Pluto is not a planet.  However, using the Samuel Oschin Telescope at the Palomar Observatory near San Diego, scientists for NASA though they had found a new planet. The figure shown below was spotted in 2003 but NASA did not see the planet until July of this year. The new planet is shown moving through the stars and each picture was taken about 90 minutes apart. Some scientists don’t see how it can be a planet since it is a least the same size as Pluto maybe bigger. Regardless, the new planet is farther away and colder and darker.  So, is the new planet a planet? NASA has been watching the planet closely and they are not sure if they will classify it as a planet.

sat-testMany people in the teaching community want to see the SAT go away. Many people feel that it is not a real measure of intelligence in students. Obviously, probably all students would like to never see the SAT again, there is so much build up to prepare for the test, and so much pressure for you to do well on it. Many students feel that this test determines their whole life. There are many people out there that have come up with methods to cheat the SAT by figuring out the patterns of the questions and how to guess your way through the test. Laurence Bunin is in charge of College Board and he says the test is here to stay. He says that the SAT is a test that shows basic skills that one needs to succeed in college. Many colleges are saying the test does not show anything about what a student can do and 800 or so have made but the SAT optional on the application.

Last week all of the seniors of the Pendleton school went to the senior beach trip, where we elected the favorite teacher of Pendleton seniors. And this is the teacher that I was fortunate to have this year for Current Events – Mr. Kennedy. Although not many people have him this year, all of the lucky ones that do agree on the fact that he is by far the coolest teacher in Pendleton. This year Mr. Kennedy was the teacher for American History and Current Events, and I have to say the Current Events class was amazing. In the 4th quarter of this school year we gained a different perspective on life through exploring the lives of people that are not as fortunate as we are. We also had some discussions that led us to the topics that we would never had explored otherwise. I think that Mr. Kennedy truly deserves to be the “Graduates’ Choice” award winner this year.  I am sure that after the speech he is going to give on graduation, all of the seniors and the rest of the students will show their appreciation to Mr. Kennedy.

    • Aully Bukan: Thanks for share...
    • riskstar: Good information
    • Rob Dresser: Many people have a poor grasp of what this is about. At its core this is about advanced stage terminal illness and relieving those in that condition
