The Pendleton Panther

Archive for November 2008

Como en miles de tiendas del país, en ese establecimiento se celebraba el “Black Friday” (viernes negro), que se conmemora todos los años al día siguiente del jueves de Acción de Gracias. Es el primer día de rebajas y miles de americanos van de compras e incluso hacen cola la noche previa para tener acceso a los productos rebajados de tiendas que, en muchos casos, abren de madrugada para vender los productos con mejores precios.

WalmartLa tienda Wal-Mart del centro Green Acres de Valley Stream, en Long Island (Nueva York), abrio las puertas a las cinco de la mañana.  La Policia dice que uno de los empleados que estaba contratado por medio de una empresa de trabajo temporal para realizar tareas de mantenimiento y del que no se ha facilitado la identidad, fue arrollado en el momento de la apertura por unos doscientos compradores.  Jimmy Overby, uno de sus compañeros de trabajo aseguro a los medios de comunicación locales que los clientes sacaron las puertas de las bisagras y derribaron y pisotearon al fallecido y a el mismo,  que tuvo que quitarse de encima a la gente que le pisaba la espalda.


Los fans en China de Guns N’ Roses se encontraban con dificultades para obtener el ultimo album grabado por el grupo americano, este nuevo CD ha sido el primero en 17 años. Este nuevo disco ha sido censurado en China por su titulo “Democracia China”.  El sitio oficial de este album es pero en china estaba bloqueado y por lo tanto inaccesible. El principal buscador chino en internet llamado bloqueaba toda busqueda musical sobre “Chinese Democracy”. Pero los fanaticos podian escuchar todas las canciones del CD en sin problema, donde ahi dejaban todos sus comentarios sin problema.  La banda de Hard Rock ha sido renovada y el unico integrante que se conserva es Axl Rose. Guns N’ Roses esta siendo esperada por todo el mundo, aunque todavia no se sabe cuando haran el tour promocionando su ultimo album, sus fans por el resto del mundo estaran ansiosos de verlos de nuevo.


Las elecciones en el pais de Venezuela han empezado y de esto depende mucho en el pais venezolano, ya que se decidiran entre 2 formas de gobierno: Socialismo o Democracia. Por ahora el Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV) controla 17 de los 22 estados de Venezuela. Este resultado es muy impresionante ya estas elecciones han sido las primeras que han afrontado, porque este partido es relativamente nuevo.

Segun Alberto Muller, vicepresidente del pais de Venezuela dice que el PSUV es la primera fuerza politica venezolana y por lo tanto “el mapa sigue teñido de rojo”, aunque estos son apenas los primeros resultados oficiales presentados por el Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE).

Lo preocupante de estas elecciones es que los departamentos que mas se oponen al socialismo son los departamentos mas importantes del pais, donde se encuentra Caracas que es la capital del pais.

“Si se quieren caer a mentiras, caiganse a mentiras” dijo el presidente Chavez al negar que la oposición pueda considerar su desempeño como un triunfo

Han pasado 25 días desde su eleccion y hoy parece muy lejos de aquel candidato de corte liberal y proteccionista que prometio acabar con la guerra en Irak en 16 meses y hacer las paces con el mundo. Ademas de renegociar acuerdos comerciales con los paises Nafta (México y Canadá).

La gente esta pensando que la paloma se está convirtiendo en halcón, es decir, un democrata que está regresando a las ideologias de su partido movido por las realidades políticas y geoestrategicas de la potencia mundial. Aunque su gobierno solo empezara hasta el 20 de enero del 2009, el equipo acompañante de la Casa Blanca muestra claras pistas en esta direccion. 

fuentes del equipo de transicion del presidente Obama anunciaron extraoficialmente que Barack Obama pretende dejar en su cargo, por el minimo de un año, al actual secretario de Defensa y ex funcionario de la CIA Robert Gates. Un muy reconocido republicano nombrado por George Bush en noviembre del 2006 para reemplazar a Donald Rumsfeld.



La Liga Dominicana de Béisbol aclaró ayer que a principios de este mes incautó más de 20 bates ilegales de seis equipos. Jorge Torres, el encargado de lidom, informó que, más que una búsqueda de bates con corcho. Jorge dice que encontgro bates de “bambú”, cuyo uso sí está prohibido, o de marcas no oficializadas por el béisbol organizado de Estados Unidos, que es por el que se rige el torneo local. La Liga puede chequear en horas de la mañana, previo a un juego o cuando sea informó Torres. Manifestó que el torneo local tiene la particularidad de que aglutina a peloteros que vienen de participar en el béisbol organizado y diversas ligas independientes de Estados Unidos, así como en Corea, Taiwán, Japón y México, entre otras. Bates illegales en el beisbol no ayuda. Dijo un comentario de jose rivales. No se pueden mensionar que nosotros estamos haciendo trampa. No hace ningun efecto a la bola encluso lo podria disminuir la distancia.


Kinderpornografie steigt sehr stark an in letzter zeit. Rund 1,8 Millionen Kinder weltweit werden nach Schätzungen von des Kindehilfswerks UNICEF jedes Jahr zur Prostitution und Pornografie gezwungen. Allein schon in Deutschland wurden rund 50.000 Konsumenten von Kinderpornografie vermutet.
Köln-Dies erklärte UNICEF Dienstag im Weltkongress gegen sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern in Rio de Janeiro. Diese tatsächliche Ausmaße der Ausbeutungen ist immer noch unbekannt, weil die Täter sich verbergen und kriminelle Netzwerke benutzen. ´´Skrupellose Erwachsene nutzen die Schutzlosikeit von Kindern aus- für sich selbst und weil sie Profit machen woll´´, erklärte Ekin Deligöz. ´´Wer zu diesem Thema schweigt macht sich selbst mit schuldig an der Zerstörun der Kinder.´´  Neue Ideen zur Ausbeutung:  UNICEF sagt, das in den vergangenen Jahren das Bewusstsein für das Leid der Kinder zugenommen hat. ´´Doch die massenweise Nutzung des Internet und neuer Kommunikationstechniken wie Chatrooms, die nur schwer zu überwachen sind, haben neue Möglichkeiten der Ausbeutung geschaffen.´´ Die Täter benutzen kommerzielle Websites oder Sites die Passwort geschützt sind oder einen Zugang über Kreditkarte haben. Solche Internetseiten brachten dem Betreiber mehr als 23.000 Euro gewinn.

wow_box_art1Who knew computer games could be lethal to your health? On Sunday the 16th of November, a fifteen year old Swedish boy who was playing the immensely popular online game World of Warcraft, collapsed after playing for twenty hours. World of Warcraft is an online multiplayer game that requires the player to create a character and complete missions.  His group of friends all gathered at the boy’s house to play the newly released expansion of World of Warcraft called Wrath of the Lich King. During the period that they were playing the game the boy’s father noticed that they had barely left the computer, eaten small amounts of food and had very few hours of rest from the game. At 2pm on Sunday afternoon the boy began to have what looked like an epileptic seizure so his parents called an ambulance. The doctor’s concluded that the boy’s body had changed its usual pattern due to lack of sleep, not enough food and fixated game play. Although the boy has recovered from the convulsions his parents want to warn other parent’s to the dangers of their kids playing computer games for an extended period of time. 


Despite the great rivalry that developed during the race for the Democratic Nominee, President-elect Barack Obama and New York Senetor Hilary Clinton have joined forces since then and now she will be asked to join part of Obama’s national security team. Hilary Clinton was a huge help in the presidential race, campaigning for Obama around the country and now she will be asked to be the Secretary of State, even though in the Democratic nominee race the two clashed on several foreign affairs issues. Clinton believed the Obama did not have the experience over seas that was needed as president and she also believed that the president of the United States should only meet the leaders of nations like Iran and Cuba if there are preconditions set, Obama did not necessarily see  the need for preconditions to be previously stated. Obama is said to have been enthusiastic about appointing Clinton as Secretary of State from the beginning believing she will add a lot to his national security team.


In an attempt to open the doors of a New York Wal-Mart at 5:00am on Black Friday a temporary Wal-Mart worker was trampled to death by frantic customers. The union the represents retail workers has said that the accident could have easily been prevented by the store. Jdimytai Damour was the unfortunate man who lost his life whilst doing is job at the Long Island Wal-Mart reported police. Bruce Both, the president of New York’s largest grocery worker’s union said, “This incident could have been avoidable.” He stated his questions to the press about where was security when the store was opening, why was there no safety barriers and why the store management failed to recognise the dangerous number of customers banging at the doors in an unsafe way? Both said, “This is not just tragic; it rises to a level of blatant irresponsibility by Wal-Mart.” Wal-Mart gave no response to the union’s comments but referred them to a statement made on Friday claiming that they had added extra security, barricades and had been working with the local police in anticipation of heavy crowds.


An Air Canada Co-pilot had a mental breakdown in the cockpit of his plane in Dublin, Ireland the other day.  The nervous co-pilot had to be removed from the cockpit at once and seated and helped by a flight attendant with medical service.  As this was going on another flight attendant with some flying experience had to strap herself into the seat of the co-pilot and help land the plane.  There was a report that came out by the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit and they did nothing but applaud the brave flight attendant who had helped land the plane.  It was a very courageous act.  None of the 146 passengers plus the nine flight attendants were injured on this flight from Toronto to Dublin.  The names were not released of the flight attendants and co-pilots but the man who had the mental breakdown was hospitalized for eleven days because of his illness.  He is no longer aloud to fly planes and was let go by Air Traffic Unit.

Albert Pujols won his second NL MVP award this week. His jaw dropping stats this year, a batting average of .357, 116 RBIs and 37 home runs beat Ryan  Howard’s numbers of 46 home runs, and 146 RBIs. Now anyone who saw these two players stats for homers and RBIs would have given the award to Ryan Howard but since Howard hit right near the Mendoza line(.200 batting average is the Mendoza line) for all the year except for the last couple of months of the season. Pujols, who is only 28 years old, is already compiling stats that will soon make him a worthy candidate for the Hall of Fame. Pujols is the only player in the history of the game to open his career with a .300 batting average, 30 home runs and 100 RBIs in his first eight seasons. He is also the league’s only player named in the top 10 of MVP balloting in each of those seasons. There is no doubt that this MVP award was not the last for the young superstar.albertpujols_003

Dustin Pedroia, the second baseman for the Boston Red Sox, won his first AL MVP award year this week. Dustin was the first AL second baseman to win this award in half a century. In his two years he has accumulated several awards. Earlier this month, he won the Gold Glove and the Silver Slugger. He was the 2007 AL Rookie of the Year and capped that same season with a World Series ring. This season he was the main reason why the Red Sox went to the ALCS and put up such a good fight. With a season full of trades and injures and all the media attention around good ol’ Manny being Manny, Pedroia led the AL in hits, runs and doubles. His batting average was .326, he hit 17 home runs and 83 RBIs as well as steeling 20 bases. The AL MVP was the end of the awards during the off season. Finally the off season begins and the 2009 season will hopefully come swiftly.



The world’s oldest person, Edna Parker, died at the age of 115 years and 220 days on November 26, 2008.  She passed away at a nursing home in Shelbyville, Indiana. She is verified by the Guinness World Records to be the oldest recognized person and one of only twenty-one people authenticated to have reached the age of 115. Parker became a widow at the age of only 45 and lived longer than her two sons. She also had five grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren. During her long lifetime, her diet was simple and mostly consisted of meat and starch; she never drank alcohol or smoked. In her later years, she enjoyed reading poetry. She read the newspaper everyday, enjoyed cards from supporters and often sent autographs to people requesting them. She lived a relatively basic and healthy life which may be the reason she lived till the age of 115. Her relatives said that she was always a thin person and did not worry much about things which, according to them, was perhaps the reason she lived till 115.



    holiday31 The Holidays are here and everyone is excited. With Thanksgiving finally here, it’s time to eat and enjoy the family.  The true chefs come out during this holiday.  In many traditional dinners, the turkey is served as the main course along with stuffing and sweet potatoes and ham. I can honestly say it’s the best holiday of the year next to Christmas because it encourages over indulgence. It’s also about seeing your family and just having a great time.  Many people forget the true meaning of giving thanks.  We should give thanks to our family and friends and all the blessings we all have. Pretty soon Christmas will be coming around the corner and that means gifts!  Who doesn’t love gifts? Its going to be a great holiday, so get ready to have some fun and enjoy it while it lasts. Make this your best holiday yet. So gobble gobble and Merry Christmas!

babylaptop1Life in IMG is busy for all the students, pretty much everyone has an enormously busy schedule, which makes it difficult to find a single minute to relax. I don’t think that since September I had one free day that I had devoted to doing nothing, and I am so used to my schedule now, so that it doesn’t feel right to have a thanksgiving break. However, I believe that everyone needs it right now and it is perfect time to either catch up with school work or college applications for seniors. Most of the people though will stay in IMG for the break, mainly for two reasons. First of all, many live outside of US and it just takes a lot of time to get home, and second reason for all the tennis players is Eddie Herr tournament. So even during the Thanksgiving break the life in IMG is still busy, but I hope that everyone will get the break that they needed.

thanksgiving1Before coming to United States, I have never heard about such thing as the Thanksgiving Day, since there is no such celebration anywhere in Russia, where I am from, and it was quite a pleasant surprise for me when I discovered that it is very important family holiday in US. I can definitely say that this is one of the best celebrations that I had ever heard about, because in order to keep the relationship with all of the relatives it is important for the whole family to unite together and have a nice and traditional diner. I wish there could be day like that everywhere in the world, because it is the chance for everyone to thank each other and forgive all the mistakes that somebody might have done. I hope that all the students and teachers from the Pendleton School have a nice Thanksgiving holiday full of happiness and smiles!

Online library concept

In the past few months e-book sales have exploded in what otherwise a sleepy market for buyers and sellers alike.  Random House Inc. announced Monday that it is making more than 8,000 additional books available in digital form.  There will be a wide range of genres for all ages; mysteries, biographies, novels and children series will be available.  Random House CEO, Markus Dohle said that “more people everyday are enjoying reading in the electronic format and Random House wants to extend our reach to them with more of our books.” Recently, more than 8,000 books have been transferred to electronic format and within months there will be a digital library of nearly 15,000 books.  Matt Shatz, Random House’s vice president for digital operations, says e-book sales have increased by triple digit percentages in 2008 thanks to  Although e-books remain a minute percentage of the overall market, their influence on revolutionizing the reading industry has only just begun.

Interesting, ground breaking studies are in progress every day. Scientists devote a lot of time to finding relations between seemingly unrelated topics. A study has recently found that deep sleep increases a person’s creativity. In addition, a person who is constantly interrupted in their sleep tends to struggle to remember everyday things. William Fishbein, a cognitive neuroscientist at the City University of New York said “Not only do we need to remember to sleep, but most certainly we sleep to remember,”. The deeper one’s sleep is the previous night, the easier it is for one to remember things. One should most certainly get a good night’s rest before an important exam like the SAT. Professor Fishbein taught Chinese to a group of English speaking students. Nappers consistently had a higher rate of recollection than non nappers and they scored higher on vocabulary tests. Fishbein also tested on rats and found vaguely similar results.  Remember, don’t nap on the job!


The issue of global warming has just shifted out of the world’s focus over the past couple of months due to the U.S. election and the struggling global economy. However, the effect of this impending global calamity is still being monitored by many around the world. The Tibetan glaciers that lie on some of the highest land in the world seem to be melting at a quick pace. These glacicers provide water for several major rivers like the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. The water supply of over a billion people is at risk as the glaciers are deteriorating at an extremely fast pace.  Studies show that high altitude glaciers are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change.The Himalayas are the tallest mountains in the world and scientists are finding that there is a 0.3 degree increase in temperature per decade in this region. This increase seems to be enough to jeopardize the way of life of billions in South Asia.


Well, there will be no undefeated team this year in the NFL.  The last undefeated team, the Tennessee Titans, took on the Jets in Tennessee.  The New York Jets took an early lead and never looked back.  They Jets ended up winning the game 34-13.  They are looking more and more like a contender for the playoffs each week.  If they keep this up they could take the AFC East division.  It looks like Brett Favre was the man they needed, not only for his offensive talent but also for his is leadership.  Brett has shown the Jets how football can be fun.  Coach Mangini said, “He is like a little kid on Christmas.”  The Jets are 8-3 while the Patriots are right behind them at 7-4.  It will be a close and exciting race for the division.


Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder (A.D.H.D) has become a leading disease among children and teens in the past decade.  Since the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Michael Phelps has become an inspirational role model to patients and parents whose lives are affected by attention difficulties.  He has suffered from the disease since childhood. “There is a tremendous, tremendous amount of pride — I got the impression sometimes that some of the kids felt like they owned Michael,” said Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, director of the Child Study Center at New York University Langone Medical Center. “There is a special feeling when someone belongs to your club and the whole world is adoring him.” However, the emergence of a major celebrity with attention problems has exposed a long debated issue: whether or not A.D.H.D brings with it a life of limitations or can sometimes be a good thing.  Generally, children with the disease have problems focusing and paying attention for a long period of time.  Nonetheless, those affected also may experience limitless energy and laser-like focus on favorite things; therefore, the disorder could be helpful to an Olympic athlete such as Michael Phelps.  On the other hand, A.D.H.D brings with it problems as well.  Children affected with the disease suffer a much higher risk of brain problems, be involved in car accidents, and use illicit drugs.  “This reframing A.D.H.D. as a gift, personally I don’t think it’s helpful,” said Natalie Knochenhauer, founder of A.D.H.D. Aware, an advocacy group in Doylestown, Pa.  “I would argue that Michael Phelps is a great swimmer with A.D.H.D., but he’s not a great swimmer because he has A.D.H.D” she added.

bombBaghdad police said that bomb attack killed 13 women government workers in a bus in eastern Baghdad on Monday. They were on the way to work.  Also a female suicide bomber killed five people in Baghdad’s Green Zone compound. Police said that most women killed on the bus were employees at the Trade Ministry. A person who refused to be named said that he saw 13 bodies at the morgue. Also Quassim Moussawi, Baghdad security spokesman Major General said 13 women were killed and burned inside the bus. Another attack, a female bomber who killed five people in Baghdad’s strongly fortified Green Zone, which is U.S government workers zone. Quassim Moussawi said that female bomb attack is known for attacking by Sunni Islamist Al Qaeda. He also had a report that female bomber didn’t know what she was doing that time.

shipSince pirates hijacked a Thai fishing boat with 16 crew members on Tuesday off the coast of Somalia, major Norwegian shipping groups asked ships to sail around the tip of Africa instead of using the Suez Canal route to avoid pirates. They are saying that they will no longer watch their crew being hijacked and held for money by pirates. They generally release ships and crew members when after ransoms were paid fully. While Somali pirates have seized 36 ships over the past year, a Ukrainian ship loaded with arms is still being held by pirates. They never had seized a ship as large as that, Sirius Star. The U.S. Navy is still surrounding a Ukrainian ship that is loaded with tanks and other weapons that was seized by pirates on September 25.

walmartAuthorities said on Monday that WalMart stores will cut $3 off the price of all the item that were overcharged to California customers because of a price scanner problem. Investigators found scanning errors in about 164 stores in 30 counties. On average, customers were overcharged $8 at the check out. The investigation began in December 2005 in WalMart stores in California when they were charging higher prices than those shown on the price tag. Furthermore, WalMart agreed that if an employee found that customer has overpaid, they will give customers a $3 price off on the item they bought. Wal mart also agreed to pay $1. 4 million as civil penalties, and reimbursement for investigative costs.

tigerGeneral Motors has sponsored Tiger Woods over 8 years, but they announced on Monday that they are going to end their relationship with Tiger Woods. GM said that they were trying to save the costs as much as they could because of a finanicial slump. Tiger also expressed that he want to spend time with his family. Mark Steinberg, Tiger’s agent said that they will look for another automaker to replace the golf back logo. Tiger woods has now sponsorship with Nike, Tag Heuer, Gillette, Gatorade and few other companies. Tiger woods is earning nearly $100 million yearly just from the sponsors. Because of the company’s financial slump, Buick will also limit the golf marketing on PGA tour and ends the contrack with Tiger Woods which valued about 8 million per year.

amy_winehouseAmy Jade Winehouse is a mix musical genre artist born on September 14, 1983 in London. Her debut was in 2003 with her first album called Frank. She was awarded with the 2008 Grammy Award for Best New Artist. Winehouse is known for being a hard partier and drug user. Her husband Blake Fielder-Civil who recently moved into a drug rehabilitation unit from prison, was sentenced to a 27 month jail term for perverting the course of justice and for assault. He tried to appeal against his jail term but lost. She was hospitalized in a London Hospital because she had a reaction from a medication the doctors gave her. The doctors asked Winehouse to come back to the private London Clinic to investigate the cause of her sickness. The medication Winehouse took is unknown at this time.  

titleistvokeydesignserieswedges-mediumTitleist golf has been known for years as a player’s club.  Offering a magnificent line of woods, irons, Scotty Cameron putters, and the Bob Vokey wedges.  Bob Vokey has had great success on tour with his wedges as well as in amatuer play.  However for the past few years, tour pros have been using a different limited wedge than the stock production wedge.  This wedge has cost around $250 for the past few years.  Bob Vokey has finally produced a new model spin milled wedge containing the bounce and grind patterns the tour players have come to love.  Vokey has also added many new loft and bounce ratios into the mix including a 48, 50, and a 64. These wedges still have the same face milling and grooves.  Last year over 45% of tour professionals used Bob Vokey’s wedges, and know he has offered them to the public at $119.99. Not only has he improved the best wedge in golf, but he has also added in a black satin finish to accompany the tour satin and rusty finishes on shelves this November.

It appears Titleist has done their homework.  About two years after releasing the 907d2 and 907d1, Titleist once again has a driver that has everybody talking.  The 909 line consists of a 909 dcomp driver as well as 909d2 and d3 drivers. Thtity-909-d2ere are also the 909 f2 and f3 fairways along with the 909h hybrid.  It seems there is a club to please every Titleist fan.  The dcomp driver produces a high ball flight and mid spin.  The d2 produces mid ball flight and low to mid spin.  While the d3 is only a 440cc head and a deep face providing low flight and low spin.  The f2 fairway has a slightly larger head than the f3 for confidence and forgiveness, while the f3’s smaller head gives workability and control.  The hybrid is also new and improved for this year providing a confident setup and forgiveness.  Titleist seems to have gotten there line of woods right for this year which have been released this November. 

terrorist_drivers_licenseRecently I was talking to my roommate from Switzerland about my parents bringing down a car for me within the next couple of weeks and he said he wished he was aloud to drive.  In Switzerland the legal driving age is 18 and he wishes it was 16 back home for him.  Yet their legal drinking age is 16 which had me blown away.  I do not feel 16 would be appropriate in the U.S. although some kids wish it were. However 21 may be a little overboard. After all, people are almost done with college at that point.  I feel 19 would be a suitable age for drinking in the United States. Partially because in Michigan, everybody crosses the border all the time because in Canada the drinking age is 19.  Also people should not be busted for underage drinking at the age of 20. At 20 years old you can be tried as an adult and locked away for life but you cannot have a sip of alcohol according to the law.  I personally find the U.S. drinking age to be retarded on several levels.

000c76db430d08dae2490dWong Kwong Yu is known as the richest man in mainland China. He was born in May of 1969 and is from Shantou, Guangdong.  He is the chairman, the director, and the controlling shareholder of the largest consumer electronic retailer called Gome Electrical Appliances Holding Limited. It was founded in 1987, now with 587 stores open in 160 Chinese cities. There are 2 flagship stores. Wong is worth an estimation of $1.6 billion.  He is now under investigation for charges of stock market manipulation, which is an act of the owner intentionally making the value of their stock to go up or down to buy or sell shares to earn money. The Hong Kong stock exchange became to a stop for trading, due to trading being suspended on Monday, trying to prevent any false and hurtful information to the media on Wong Kwong Yu.

    • Aully Bukan: Thanks for share...
    • riskstar: Good information
    • Rob Dresser: Many people have a poor grasp of what this is about. At its core this is about advanced stage terminal illness and relieving those in that condition
